Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Breakdown Between Marketing and Software Delivery

Econsultancy are a fantastic outfit and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Digital Marketing and Software Innovation.  Their new "Managing Digital Channels" report is well worth the membership fee alone.

This chart from the report shows respondents capability to deploy new software applications rapidly - and the findings don't surprise me in the slightest:

Given so much business is transacted on-line these days, how on earth do marketing people put up with such slow time to market from having the initial concept to getting software delivered?!

Companies are moving towards Agile Methods to help overcome these difficulties, but time and time again I see people have only been able to make small steps forward in terms of productivity. All too often there is a disconnect between Marketing and Software Development teams.

On this blog I'm going to be touching on topics which should be of interest to anyone who wants to get better software out there sooner.

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