Friday, December 11, 2009

Apple's New and Fantastic Bed-Side-Fat-Boy-iPhone-Thingy

Hopefully people at Apple are using  Radian6 in order to hear what people are saying about their brand.

Last month Kerry Bridge gave a presentation outlining that Dell listen into what people are saying about their brand on social media sites.  The interesting news is that Dell have already implemented 400 customer suggestions within their product set - all inspired from listening and engaging with ordinary people who have mentioned the brand on their Blogs, Twitter or wherever.....

So back to Apple - I woke up this morning and realised I wanted to buy one of these (I've saved Jonathan Ive a couple of days and mocked it up on PowerPoint below):

No - this isn't a fat iPhone.  OK - it is. However, this is the alarm clock that I would like sat next to me on my bedside table.

Of course I need something functional to wake me up on a work day.  It would also be great if I could immediately hook in to my favourite apps and see what is happening.  I'd feel connected and up to speed with the world.

Why else do I need this new product? Every Saturday morning I get up early in order to make substitutions on my Fantasy Football team and then once I've done that, I spend ages looking at the news.  Given by this point I'm in a separate room to my wife, she gets the hump that I'm on the "computer again".  If I was in the same room all would be fine.

Of course I could do this all on an iPhone, but if my wife found me fiddling around squinting my eyes in the half-light on a mobile phone, she would rip the piss out of me for being a spotty nerd.  So that is not an option.

There is another surprise.  I could also see both my wife and son using (sharing) my bed-side-fat-boy-iPhone-thingy.  They are both Facebook fiends.  She also chats for hours on the phone to her friends from bed.  If she could chat to her friends from bed and also have Facebook available and laugh about some photos at the same time as well..........  it would cost me a fortune on the phone bill... but what the heck. * 

Anyway Apple, if you could build this, then it would bring harmony to my life because my wife wouldn't hate a gadget that she actually used herself and I wouldn't be sat in a different room on the weekend changing my virtual football team around.

* This reminds me of the phrase "Female Handbrake".  I first heard this phrase when listening to the strategy director from Sky.  They find it difficult to sell a lot of their TV packages, because women at home block the purchase decision because they want to keep the family together doing more social activities.  Sky, however, would prefer to sell a more expensive and comprehensive package where everyone is able to watch different Sky channels of their choice in separate rooms.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the shout of confidence!

    Lauren Vargas
    Community Manager at Radian6
